Depth of Field Definitions

Depth of Field: The zone, or range of distances, within a scene that will record as sharp ... It is one of the most creative and profound effects available to photographers.
Using Your Digital Camera, George Schaub, 2003
Basically, depth of field refers to the section of a photograph, from the nearest to the furthermost points from the camera, which appears to be in sharp focus.
John Shaw's Landscape Photography, John Shaw, 1994.
We can achieve critical focus for only one plane in front of the camera, and all objects in this plane will be sharp. In addition, there will be an area just in front of and behind this plane that will appear reasonably sharp (according to the standards of sharpness required for the particular photograph and the degree of enlargement of the negative). This total region of adequate focus represents the depth of field.
The Camera, Ansel Adams, 1980
Depth of field is defined as the range of object distances within which objects are imaged with acceptable sharpness.
Basic Photographic Materials and Processes, Second Edition, Leslie Stroebel,, 2000.
Depth of field is concerned with the nearest and furthest parts of the subject which can be rendered sharp at a given focusing setting.
The Photographer's Handbook, John Hedgecoe, 1992.
When a lens is focused on an object, there is some distance in front of the object and some behind which will also be acceptably sharp. This zone of sharpness which includes the subject is called the depth of field.
Photography, Phil Davis, 1972.

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