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is referred to by size, such as 16K, 32K, 64K, and so on. The "K" represents the value of 1,000. Therefore chip. Each of these electronic circuits is called a BIT CELL and can be in either an OFF or ON state to represent a 0 or 1 bit. This state depends on whether or not current is flowing in that cell. Another name used for semiconductor memory chips is integrated circuits (ICs). Developments in technology have led to large-scale integration (LSI) that allows more and more circuits to be squeezed onto the same silicon chip. low cost. However, there is a drawback to this type of a constant power source. When the power for your system fails and you have no backup power supply, all (ROM) and random-access memory (RAM). permanently stored inside the computer. ROM enables us to do this without loosing the programs and data when the computer is powered down. Only the ROM; once done, you cannot change it. Consequently, you cannot put any of your own data or programs in ROM. Many complex functions, such as translators for high-level languages, and operating systems are placed in ROM memory. of ROM is that your imaging facility can order programs tailored for its specific needs and have them installed permanently in ROM. Such programs are scribble down notes, read them, and erase them when finished. In the computer, RAM is the working memory. Data can be read (retrieved) or written (stored) in RAM by providing the computer with an address location where the data is stored or where you want it to be stored. When the data is no longer requited, you may simply write over it. Thus you can use the storage location again for something else. programs and data can be stored for future use. When the computer is ready to use these programs, the data is read into primary storage. Secondary storage media extends the storage capabilities of the computer system. Secondary storage is required for two reasons. First, the Second, data and programs in secondary programs do storage is nonvolatile memory. This information is lost only when you erase it. Magnetic disks are the most common type of secondary storage. They may be either floppy disks or hard disks (hard drives). devices are under control of the CPU, they are said to be on line. When they perform their function independently, not under direct control of the CPU, they are used commonly for input and output. Those that only output are marked (O), and those that perform both input and output are marked (I/O). Advanced Photography Course ![]() |
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